Newydd Housing Association - Register

Cookie policy notice

Important! Our Cookie Policy has changed. Please click here to view the policy.


To apply for a vacancy you will need to register and create a user account. This should only take a couple of minutes. By creating an account you can also set up job email alerts to notify you of any jobs that match what you are looking for. Please fill in your details and click register.

Type in your title
Type in your first name
Type in your last name
Type in your address line 1
Type in your address line 2
Type in your address town
Type in your address county
Enter the address Postcode
Type in your home telephone number (including STD code)
Type in your mobile telephone number
Type in your email address
Confirm your email address
Select your email address type
Password must be between 8 and 15 chars long, containing at least: two letters, one number and one special character (e.g. ?,$,*,%,&.).
Confirm your log-in password
Please answer the following security question. It is required to protect your data and prevent spam attacks